Sell Your Wash to Royal Rinse?
We are fortunate to have the opportunity to grow across the Southeast and will quickly, honestly, and transparently evaluate all opportunities.
Please see below for common characteristics of car washes we're most interested in adding to our growing family. One size does not fit all and we often accommodate unique circumstances to do right by the Sellers with whom we partner.
Emails or call us at your convenience if you'd like to discuss more.

What We Like...
Every car wash is different. They need to be to properly serve the community to which they belong. But over the years, we have found well-run self service and touch-free car washes share a few things in common.
Owned Real Estate
Royal Rinse owns all of its real estate. We believe multi-generational ownership is necessary to properly serve our customers and the communities in which we're fortunate to belong. This model strongly favors real estate ownership and is a requirement for all acquisitions.
Should the purchase of the underlying real estate not be possible, we will only consider car washes with long-leases (>15 years) in place.
We prefer to acquire already busy car washes. All of the Sellers with whom we've been fortunate to partner have been successful entrepreneurs often owning and operating the car washes for decades. At some point, however, it often makes sense to sell (to retire, for estate planning ,etc.) and we've been privileged to steward their businesses into the future.
What does "busy" mean? It depends, but most washes enjoy...
Annual revenue exceeding $300,000
Daily customer averages exceeding 75 (both In-Bay and self-service)
Steady annual growth
Well-maintained equipment
Equipment, particularly the In-Bay-Automatic(s), soap distribution system, and (if applicable) spot-free rinse system, that no older than seven (7) years (ie, ~50% thru the useful life). Given the inability to precisely estimate when old(er) equipment will give out, we need to assume near-term replacements for equipment older than seven years. That does not mean we won't add such a car wash to our family! But we'll need to price-in the cost of the new equipment to the purchase price.
Importantly, we upgrade vacuums and the pay stations to Royal Rinse brand standard for all acquisitions and therefore do not need to include that in any consideration.
What We Need to Make an Offer...
We try to make the transaction process as simple as possible. And make every effort to limit the information you need to share before we'll make an offer. While not exhaustive, the below is comprehensive of what we'll initially need to respond to your request. And we commit to giving you an answer--yes or no--within a day or two of receiving the below and talking live.
Total revenue from this year and last year
This is the easiest. All we need is total revenue from this year (year to date is OK) and last year (twelve months). At this stage, you can share pay station summaries, Quickbooks, or tax returns, whichever is easiest.
Manufacturer and age of major equipment
We'll want to understand the manufacturer and age of the major equipment, including:
In-Bay-Automatic machines
Soap distribution systems
Self-service bays, including the meter boxes
Building roof
Understanding of any unique considerations
Taxes, estate planning, life plans can all influence preferred transactions. Some like quick sales, some prefer to continue operating for a while (even years). All are OK.
As much as you feel comfortable, the more you can share, the better. And while we can't commit to satisfying everything, we will make every effort to create a structure that solves as many of your considerations as possible.
For example, many owners want their current team members properly treated. The Royal Rinse team is our greatest asset and we'd be thrilled to welcome in any amazing new member. But for the avoidance of doubt, we're also OK if you're the sole operator and we need to add responsibilities to our existing team.